色彩管理软件 2009年 Color v4.1.11
2009-3-16 20:54
色彩管理软件 2009年 Color v4.1.11
² 1. Unpack + Install ²
² ²±² 2. Copy files to Installation directory ²±² ²
²²²± 3. Enjoy ±²²²
²²² ²²
²²²²²² ²² ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²±±
±±± ²²²²²±²²±²²²²²²±²²²²²²²²²±±²±±
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² ²² ²²² ²
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±²²² ± ²²²±
² ±±±² ,,T..E..A..M...D..V..T.,, ²±±± ²
²²²² ²²²² ±
± ² ....P R E S E N T S.... ² ±
² ±± ±²± ±²± ±± ²
²²± ² ² ±²²
²²²±±±² Color Solutions basICColor Display v4.1.11 ²±±±²²²±
± ±²²² Multilingual ²²²± ±²
²²±²²² ²²²±²²
²²² ²²²²² ²²±±±²² ²²²²² ²²²
± ²²²±±±²²²²²² ± ²²²±±±²²² ±²
²² ²² ²² ±± ±± ²² ²² ²²²
² ± ± ²±
± ±
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² Released on 02/19/09 for exclusive usage by ²² ²²²
²² members of the release scene. This isnt something ²²
² to share with your school mates and not for sale. ²
² ²±² Go and ask mommy to buy this app if you like it! ²±² ²
²²²± ±²²²
± Company ..: Color Solutions ± ±
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ²²²± ²²
² ±± ²²± ² ±± ²
² ²±² ²²±±²²²± ² ² ±²²²±±²² ²±² ²
²²²± ±²² ±²²²±±²²²± ²²± ±²²²
± ±² ² ² ²± ± ±
± ² ² ±± Release Information ²± ² ² ±
²² ²² ²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ²²
² basICColor display 4 outperforms all previous ²
² ²±² versions ²±² ²
²²²± Ergonomics ±²²²
± The new User Interface is clean and easy to use. ± ±
± Predefined calibration and profiling settings allow ±
²² ²² for one-click-operation without restricting the ²² ²²
²²² ²² user in his abilities to use individual settings. ²² ²²²
²² The professional user may select the parameters he ²²
² wants and save them as additional settings. The ²
² ²±² wizard-like UI assists in doing so. ²±² ²
²²²± Functionality ±²²²
± basICColor display 4 holds an abundance of features ± ±
± unknown in any other monitor calibration software ±
²² ²² until now. ²² ²²
²²² ²² Besides the usual gamma settings, basICColor ²² ²²²
²² display allows using different gamma values. For ²²
² video editing or working with Office applications, ²
² ²±² you can calibrate your monitor to the gradation of ²±² ²
²²²± sRGB and thus use the same characteristics your ±²²²
± data possesses. Of course you can use the meanwhile ± ±
± legendary L* calibration or even DICOM calibration ±
²² ²² for medical use. ²² ²²
²²² ²² You can set any monitor white point, you can ²² ²²²
²² measure the white point of other monitors. This ²²
² allows you to calibrate multiple monitors to the ²
² ²±² same standards. ²±² ²
²²²± In addition you can set the black luminance or ±²²²
± alternatively the contrast ratio in order to ± ±
± optimally adapt your monitor to the viewing ±
²² ²² conditions of your viewing booth. ²² ²²
²²² ²² The brand new ambient light measurement allows for ²² ²²²
²² compliance with viewing standards like ISO-3664 and ²²
² 12646. ²
² ²±² Quality ²±² ²
²²²± basICColor display 4 has a brand-new profiling ±²²²
± engine built in. That¦s how we achieved what seemed ± ±
± nearly impossible: even higher quality. ±
²² ²² And the new profile validation with color gamut ²² ²²
²²² ²² visualization proves and documents the superior ²² ²²²
²² quality of the profiles built with basICColor 4. ²²
² ²
² ²±² ²±² ²
²²²± ±²²²
± ± ±
± ±
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ²²²± ²²
² ±± ²²± ² ±± ²
² ²±² ²²±±²²²± ² ² ±²²²±±²² ²±² ²
²²²± ±²² ±²²²±±²²²± ²²± ±²²²
± ±² ² ² ²± ± ±
± ² ² ±± Install Notes ²± ² ² ±
²² ²² ²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ²²
² 1. Unpack + Install ²
² ²±² 2. Copy files to Installation directory ²±² ²
²²²± 3. Enjoy ±²²²
± ± ±
± ±
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ²²²± ²²
² ±± ²²± ² ±± ²
² ²±² ²²±±²²²± ² ² ±²²²±±²² ²±² ²
²²²± ±²² ±²²²±±²²²± ²²± ±²²²
± ±² ² ² ²± ± ±
± ² ² ±± Group Notes ²± ² ² ±
²² ²² ²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ²²
² You got something to offer like ²
² ²±² ²±² ²
²²²± * supplies (either ISO or DDL) ±²²²
± * cracking skills ± ±
± * pizza ±
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² and want to join the only scene family in existance? ²² ²²²
²² Then just ask around on IRC (maybe even your girl- ²²
² friend may know one of our council members, be it ²
² ²±² the one or the other way...) and lets see if you ²±² ²
²²²± fit into one of our open positions! ±²²²
± ± ±
± ±
²² ²² Signed, ²² ²²
²²² ²² - TEAM DVT - ²² ²²²
²² ²²
² ²
² ²±² ± ± ²±² ²
²²²± ±² ²± ±²²²
±±± ± ± ±±± ±
±±²²² ²± ±² ²²²±±
²² ±±±±²²²² ±± ±± ²²²²±±±± ²²
²²²±²±²±±²²²±²²±± ±±²²±²²²±±²±²±²²²
²²²²²±± ² ±±² ± ²±± ² ±±²²²²²
²²²²±² ²² ±² ±±± ²± ²² ²±²²²²²
±²²²²²²²± ²² ² ±±²±± ² ²² ±²²²²²²²±±
± ± ±²± ²²±± ±²±²± ±±²² ±²± ± ±
± ²± ²±²±²² ±±²±±²±± ²²±²±² ±² ±
²±±²²± ²²²±±²± ²²²±±²²² ±²²±±²
± ²²²±±±±±±±²± ±²²±±±±±±±²²² ±
± ²²²²²±²²± ±²²±²²²²² ±
²²±²±±²²²²²± ±²²²²²±±²±²²
(( nFO layout by ixlover / buddha ))
2009-3-17 13:47
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2009-4-17 11:14
本帖最后由 佣书自雄 于 2016-4-10 19:49 编辑
2009-4-18 11:02
本帖最后由 佣书自雄 于 2016-4-10 19:49 编辑
2010-5-2 23:49
本帖最后由 佣书自雄 于 2016-4-10 19:49 编辑
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