MAINTENANCE REQ - 0010 - Communication with the AID Board is not established.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0040 - The pump counter has come near the specified life.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0080 - The date has not been set
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0800 - Cartridge waste ink pad near end of life
MAINTENANCE REQ - 1000 *1 - Ink Selector near end of life
MAINTENANCE REQ - 4000 - It detects twice in a row that all the nozzles are clogging.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0088 - The RTC backup battery becomes exhausted and the date has not been set.
Service Request Errors
SERVICE REQ - 1101 - CR life error
SERVICE REQ - 1125 - CR HP detection error
SERVICE REQ - 1138 - Over current error
SERVICE REQ - 113A - Overload error
SERVICE REQ - 113B - Over speed error
SERVICE REQ - 113C - Reversing error
SERVICE REQ - 113D - Driving time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 113E - Velocity deviation error
SERVICE REQ - 113F - Lock error
SERVICE REQ - 122A - Overload error
SERVICE REQ - 122B - Over speed error
SERVICE REQ - 122C - Reversing error
SERVICE REQ - 122D - Driving time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 122E - Velocity deviation error
SERVICE REQ - 122F - Lock error
SERVICE REQ - 131B - Head driver (transmission gate) overheat error
SERVICE REQ - 13F0 - ICL operation error
SERVICE REQ - 1411 - Select error
SERVICE REQ - 1412 - Pump life error
SERVICE REQ - 1419 - Pump release error
SERVICE REQ - 141A - Overload error
SERVICE REQ - 141B - Over speed error
SERVICE REQ - 141C - Reversing error
SERVICE REQ - 141D - Driving time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 141E - Velocity deviation error
SERVICE REQ - 141F - Lock error
SERVICE REQ - 1427 - CSIC destination setting error
SERVICE REQ - 1428 - Ink holder Board Assy
SERVICE REQ - 1430 - Holder ink pad error
SERVICE REQ - 1431 - Ink selector life error
SERVICE REQ - 1434 - IC cover unlock error
SERVICE REQ - 1438 - Maintenance tank error
SERVICE REQ - 1439 - Cap error
SERVICE REQ - 143A - Overload error
SERVICE REQ - 143B - Over speed error
SERVICE REQ - 143C - Reversing error
SERVICE REQ - 143D - Driving time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 143E - Velocity deviation error
SERVICE REQ - 143F - Lock error
SERVICE REQ - 144A - Overload error
SERVICE REQ - 144B - Over speed error
SERVICE REQ - 144C - Reversing error
SERVICE REQ - 144D - Driving time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 144E - Velocity deviation error
SERVICE REQ - 144F - Lock error
SERVICE REQ - 1489 - Wiper error
SERVICE REQ - 148A - Overload error
SERVICE REQ - 148B - Over speed error
SERVICE REQ - 148C - Reversing error
SERVICE REQ - 148D - Driving time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 148E - Velocity deviation error
SERVICE REQ - 148F - Lock error
SERVICE REQ - 1494 - Ink selector error
SERVICE REQ - 1496 - Ink selector sensor error detection
SERVICE REQ - 1497 - Switching time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 149D - Driving time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 1501 - Release motor phase detection error
SERVICE REQ - 150C - PG phase detection error
SERVICE REQ - 151A - Overload error
SERVICE REQ - 151B - Over speed error
SERVICE REQ - 151C - Reversing error
SERVICE REQ - 151D - Driving time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 151E - Velocity deviation error
SERVICE REQ - 151F - Lock error
SERVICE REQ - 152A - Overload error
SERVICE REQ - 152B - Over speed error
SERVICE REQ - 152C - Reversing error
SERVICE REQ - 152D - Driving time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 152E - Velocity deviation error
SERVICE REQ - 152F - Lock error
SERVICE REQ - 1530 - Driven roller HP detection error
SERVICE REQ - 1536 - Pressurizing reset error
SERVICE REQ - 1537 - Pressurizing error
SERVICE REQ - 153A - Overload error
SERVICE REQ - 153B - Over speed error
SERVICE REQ - 153C - Reversing error
SERVICE REQ - 153D - Driving time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 153E - Velocity deviation error
SERVICE REQ - 153F - Lock error
SERVICE REQ - 1540 - Cutter HP detection error
SERVICE REQ - 1541 - Cutter return error
SERVICE REQ - 1549 - Motor disconnection error
SERVICE REQ - 154A - Overload error
SERVICE REQ - 154B - Over speed error
SERVICE REQ - 154C - Reversing error
SERVICE REQ - 154D - Driving time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 154E - Velocity deviation error
SERVICE REQ - 154F - Lock error
SERVICE REQ - 1551 - Paper thickness determining error
SERVICE REQ - 1561 - Paper thickness at power-on error
SERVICE REQ - 1800 - AID voltage error
SERVICE REQ - 1A23 - Incorrect RTC data error
SERVICE REQ - 1A26 - RTC Access T/O error
SERVICE REQ - 1A37 - Thermistor error
SERVICE REQ - 1A38 - Transistor environmental temperature error
SERVICE REQ - 1A39 - Head error
SERVICE REQ - 1A40 - IC22 error
SERVICE REQ - 1A41 - Head rank ID input error
SERVICE REQ - 1A50 - I2C communication error (Between elements on ASIC and MAIN)
SERVICE REQ - 1A51 - I2C communication error (Between elements on SUB and MAIN)
SERVICE REQ - 1A52 I- 2C communication error (Between elements on SUB-B and MAIN)
SERVICE REQ - 1A53 - I2C communication error (Between elements on SUB-C and MAIN)
SERVICE REQ - 2000 - NVRAM error
SERVICE REQ - 2002 - SDRAM error
SERVICE REQ - 200A - F/W load error
SERVICE REQ - 200D - System interrupt watchdog time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 200E - Unknown NMI
SERVICE REQ - 2010 - UART communication error
SERVICE REQ - 3000 - AC shut-off
SERVICE REQ - D131 - AID error
SERVICE REQ - Fxxx - CPU-related error
SERVICE REQ - Dxxx - Debug error
Spectroproofer and Auto Take-Up Error Codes
NOTE: SpectroProofer-related errors do not occur on Epson Stylus Pro 7700/7710/7700M/7710M/9700/9710 because it does not support the SpectroProofer.
Auto Take-up Reel-related errors do not occur on Epson Stylus Pro 7700/7710/7700M/7710M/7900/7910/WT7900/WT7910//7890/7908 because it does not support the Auto Take-up Reel.
Errors related to the SpectroProofer and Auto Take-up Reel do not occur on Epson Stylus Pro 7700M/7710M.
D3 - Driving auto take-up system
D6 - Driving paper pressing system
65 - Cooling Fan lock detection error
12 - Paper Pressing Plate Sensor no detection error
13 - Foreign material detection error in paper pressing
14 - Paper pressing origin position detection failure error
15 - CR HP Sensor no detection error
16 - Paper pressing system abnormal measurement value error
17 - Take-up system abnormal measurement value error
20 - Slack Sensor no detection error
01 - Mechanism is not installed -(Mount Sensor is OFF)
30 - Driving time-out error
31 - Overload error
32 - Over speed error
33 - Reversing error
34 - Velocity deviation error
35 - Lock error
40- Driving time-out error
41 - Overload error
42 - Over speed error
43 - Reversing error
44 - Velocity deviation error
45 - Lock error
20 - Driving time-out error
Epson 7600 9600 Error Codes
Maintenance Requests Errors
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0040 - Cleaning unit is nearing the end of life.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0002 - Carriage motor is nearing the end of life.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0008 - RTC backup battery is empty.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0020 - The number of shots (per nozzle) reaches the limit .
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0088 - The RTC backup battery is not installed.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0080 - Data is not specified.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0100 - RTC backup battery is dropped instantaneously.
Service Request Errors
SERVICE REQ - 00000101 - CR motor life
SERVICE REQ - 00010000 - PF motor encoder check error
SERVICE REQ - 00010001 - PF motor out of step
SERVICE REQ - 00010002 - PF motor overcurrent
SERVICE REQ - 00010003 - PF motor in-position time-out
SERVICE REQ - 00010004 - CR motor encoder check error
SERVICE REQ - 00010005 - CR motor out of step
SERVICE REQ - 00010006 - CR motor overcurrent
SERVICE REQ - 00010007 - CR motor in-position time-out
SERVICE REQ - 00010008 - Servo interrupt watchdog time-out
SERVICE REQ - 00010009 - System interrupt watchdog time-out
SERVICE REQ - 0001000A - CR home position sensor error
SERVICE REQ - 0001000B - PF home position sensor error
SERVICE REQ - 0001000C - Head slide (PG) home position sensor error
SERVICE REQ - 0001000F - CR motor PWM output faulty
SERVICE REQ - 00010010 - PF motor PWM output faulty
SERVICE REQ - 0001001B - Head driver (TG) temperature error
SERVICE REQ - 0001001D - CR servo parameter error
SERVICE REQ - 0001001E - PF servo parameter error
SERVICE REQ - 00010020 - CSIC reed/right error
SERVICE REQ - 00010022 - Ink type error (setting on printer body side)
SERVICE REQ - 00010023 - RTC analysis error
SERVICE REQ - 00010025 - CSIC ROM communication error
SERVICE REQ - 00010026 - RTC communication error
SERVICE REQ - 00010028 - Head error
SERVICE REQ - 00010029 - Unidentified NMI
SERVICE REQ - 0001002A - CR ASIC ECU error
SERVICE REQ - 0001002B - PF ASIC ECU error
SERVICE REQ - 00020000 - NVRAM error
SERVICE REQ - 00020002 - SDRAM error
SERVICE REQ - 00020003 - BOOT program SUM error
SERVICE REQ - 00020004 - NVRAM error (3K)
SERVICE REQ - 00020005 - NVRAM error (32K)
SERVICE REQ - 00020009 - Flash memory SUM error
SERVICE REQ - 0002000A - Program load error
SERVICE REQ - 0002000B - Internal memory shortage error
SERVICE REQ - 0002000C - Review error
SERVICE REQ - 100000E0 - CPU address error (load misalignment)
SERVICE REQ - 10000100 - CPU address error (storage misalignment)
SERVICE REQ - 10000180 - CPU reserve command code exception error
SERVICE REQ - 100001A0 - CPU slot illegal command exception error
SERVICE REQ - 100005C0 - CPU DMA address error
SERVICE REQ - 10000xxx - CPU error
Epson 7xx0 9xx0 Error Codes
Maintenance Requests Errors
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0002 - The number of carriage movement cycles reached the specified value.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0008 - The RTC backup battery run down or is not installed.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0040 - The pump counter reached the specified upper limit.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0080 - The date and time has not been set.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0100 - A momentary drop in voltage of the RTC backup battery
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0400 - The Pressure Pump counter reached the specified upper limit.
Service Request Errors
SERVICE REQ - 00000101 - The CR Motor reached its end of life.
SERVICE REQ - 00010000 - PF Encoder check error
SERVICE REQ - 00010001 - The PF Motor is out of step.
SERVICE REQ - 00010002 - Overcurrent occurred on the PF Motor.
SERVICE REQ - 00010003 - The PF Motor out of position time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 00010004 - CR Encoder check error
SERVICE REQ - 00010005 - CR Motor is out of step.
SERVICE REQ - 00010007 - The CR Motor out of position time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 00010008 - Servo interrupt watchdog time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 00010009 - System interrupt watchdog time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 0001000A - Carriage home position detection error
SERVICE REQ - 0001000C - PG home position detection error
SERVICE REQ - 00010014 - Failure of pressurizing
SERVICE REQ - 0001001B - Head driver (TG) temperature error
SERVICE REQ - 0001001D - CR servo parameter error
SERVICE REQ - 0001001E - PF servo parameter error
SERVICE REQ - 00010020 - CSIC reading/writing error
SERVICE REQ - 00010023 - RTC analyzing error
SERVICE REQ - 00010026 - RTC communication error
SERVICE REQ - 00010027 - Pressure pump micro air-leak error
SERVICE REQ - 00010028 - Head error
SERVICE REQ - 0001002A - CR ASIC ECU error
SERVICE REQ - 0001002D - The Cleaning Unit reached its end of life.
SERVICE REQ - 00010035 - Pump phase detection error
SERVICE REQ - 00010036 - Type-B board installation error
SERVICE REQ - 00010037 - Head thermistor error
SERVICE REQ - 00010038 - Transistor thermistor error
SERVICE REQ - 0001003E - Pressure Sensor failure
SERVICE REQ - 0001003F - The Pressure Motor reached its end of life.
SERVICE REQ - 00010040 - Printing position error
SERVICE REQ - 00020000 - NVRAM error
SERVICE REQ - 00020002 - SDRAM error
SERVICE REQ - 00020003 - Boot program sum error
SERVICE REQ - 0002000A - Program load error
SERVICE REQ - 0002000B - The internal memory is insufficient.
SERVICE REQ - 0Dxxxxxx - An error code for debugging
SERVICE REQ - 0Exxxxxx - A time-lag of the RTC timer
SERVICE REQ - 100000E0 - CPU address error (load)
SERVICE REQ - 10000100 - CPU address error (store)
SERVICE REQ - 10000180 - CPU reserved command code exception error
SERVICE REQ - 100001A0 - CPU slot undefined command exception error
SERVICE REQ - 100001C0 - The AC power is shut off.
SERVICE REQ - 100005C0 - CPU DMA address error
SERVICE REQ - 10000xxx - CPU error
Epson 7xx0 9xx0 Error Codes
Maintenance Requests Errors
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0002 - The number of carriage movement cycles reached the specified value.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0008 - The RTC backup battery run down or is not installed.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0040 - The pump counter reached the specified upper limit.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0080 - The date and time has not been set.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0100 - A momentary drop in voltage of the RTC backup battery
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0400 - The Pressure Pump counter reached the specified upper limit.
Service Request Errors
SERVICE REQ - 00000101 - The CR Motor reached its end of life.
SERVICE REQ - 00010000 - PF Encoder check error
SERVICE REQ - 00010001 - The PF Motor is out of step.
SERVICE REQ - 00010002 - Overcurrent occurred on the PF Motor.
SERVICE REQ - 00010003 - The PF Motor out of position time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 00010004 - CR Encoder check error
SERVICE REQ - 00010005 - CR Motor is out of step.
SERVICE REQ - 00010007 - The CR Motor out of position time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 00010008 - Servo interrupt watchdog time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 00010009 - System interrupt watchdog time-out error
SERVICE REQ - 0001000A - Carriage home position detection error
SERVICE REQ - 0001000C - PG home position detection error
SERVICE REQ - 00010014 - Failure of pressurizing
SERVICE REQ - 0001001B - Head driver (TG) temperature error
SERVICE REQ - 0001001D - CR servo parameter error
SERVICE REQ - 0001001E - PF servo parameter error
SERVICE REQ - 00010020 - CSIC reading/writing error
SERVICE REQ - 00010023 - RTC analyzing error
SERVICE REQ - 00010026 - RTC communication error
SERVICE REQ - 00010027 - Pressure pump micro air-leak error
SERVICE REQ - 00010028 - Head error
SERVICE REQ - 0001002A - CR ASIC ECU error
SERVICE REQ - 0001002D - The Cleaning Unit reached its end of life.
SERVICE REQ - 00010035 - Pump phase detection error
SERVICE REQ - 00010036 - Type-B board installation error
SERVICE REQ - 00010037 - Head thermistor error
SERVICE REQ - 00010038 - Transistor thermistor error
SERVICE REQ - 0001003E - Pressure Sensor failure
SERVICE REQ - 0001003F - The Pressure Motor reached its end of life.
SERVICE REQ - 00010040 - Printing position error
SERVICE REQ - 00020000 - NVRAM error
SERVICE REQ - 00020002 - SDRAM error
SERVICE REQ - 00020003 - Boot program sum error
SERVICE REQ - 0002000A - Program load error
SERVICE REQ - 0002000B - The internal memory is insufficient.
SERVICE REQ - 0Dxxxxxx - An error code for debugging
SERVICE REQ - 0Exxxxxx - A time-lag of the RTC timer
SERVICE REQ - 100000E0 - CPU address error (load)
SERVICE REQ - 10000100 - CPU address error (store)
SERVICE REQ - 10000180 - CPU reserved command code exception error
SERVICE REQ - 100001A0 - CPU slot undefined command exception error
SERVICE REQ - 100001C0 - The AC power is shut off.
SERVICE REQ - 100005C0 - CPU DMA address error
SERVICE REQ - 10000xxx - CPU error
Epson 4900 4910 Error Codes
Maintenance Request Errors
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0002 - The CR scan pass counter has come near the specified life.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0200 - The number of ASF paper feeding has reached predetermined value.
Service Request Errors
SERVICE REQ - 00000101 - CR Motor life
SERVICE REQ - 00010000 - PF Motor Encoder check error
SERVICE REQ - 00010001 - PF Motor out of step
SERVICE REQ - 00010002 - PF Motor over current
SERVICE REQ - 00010003 - PF Motor in-position time-out
SERVICE REQ - 00010004 - CR Motor Encoder check error
SERVICE REQ - 00010005 - CR Motor out of step
SERVICE REQ - 00010006 - CR Motor over current
SERVICE REQ - 00010007 - CR Motor in-position time-out
SERVICE REQ - 00010008 - Servo interrupt watchdog time-out
SERVICE REQ - 00010009 - System interrupt watchdog time-out
SERVICE REQ - 0001000A - CR axis detection error
SERVICE REQ - 0001000C - PG axis detection error
SERVICE REQ - 0001000F - CR Motor PWM output faulty
SERVICE REQ - 00010010 - PF Motor PWM output faulty
SERVICE REQ - 0001001B - Head driver (TG) temperature error
SERVICE REQ - 0001001D - CR servo parameter error
SERVICE REQ - 0001001E - PF servo parameter error
SERVICE REQ - 00010020 - CSIC reed/right error
SERVICE REQ - 00010022 - Ink type error (setting on printer body side)
SERVICE REQ - 00010023 - RTC analysis error
SERVICE REQ - 00010025 - CSIC ROM communication error
SERVICE REQ - 00010026 - RTC communication error
SERVICE REQ - 00010028 - Head error
SERVICE REQ - 00010029 - Unidentified NMI
SERVICE REQ - 00001002A - CR ASIC ECU error
SERVICE REQ - 0001002B - PF ASIC ECU error
SERVICE REQ - 0001002D - Cleaning Unit work life error
SERVICE REQ - 0001002F - 360 DPI writing time out error
SERVICE REQ - 00010030 - Multi Sensor failure
SERVICE REQ - 00010031 - ASF phase detection error
SERVICE REQ - 00010032 - ASF drive switch error
SERVICE REQ - 00010033 - Eject phase detection error
SERVICE REQ - 00010034 - Eject movement error
SERVICE REQ - 00010035 - Pump phase detection error
SERVICE REQ - 00010036 - Type-B board installation error
SERVICE REQ - 00010037 - Head thermistor error
SERVICE REQ - 00010038 - Transistor thermistor error
SERVICE REQ - 00010039 - PG adjustment value incorrect overwrite error
SERVICE REQ - 0001003A - PG adjustment value outside range error
SERVICE REQ - 0001003B - Cutter installation error 1
SERVICE REQ - 0001003C - Cutter installation error 2
SERVICE REQ - 0001003D - Cutter installation error 3
SERVICE REQ - 00020000 - NVRAM error
SERVICE REQ - 00020002 - SDRAM error
SERVICE REQ - 00020003 - BOOT program SUM error
SERVICE REQ - 00020009 - Flash memory SUM error
SERVICE REQ - 0002000A - Program load error
SERVICE REQ - 0002000B - Internal memory shortage error
SERVICE REQ - 100000E0 - CPU address error (load misalignment)
SERVICE REQ - 10000100 - CPU address error (storage misalignment)
SERVICE REQ - 10000180 - CPU reserve command code exception error
SERVICE REQ - 100001A0 - CPU slot illegal command exception error
SERVICE REQ - 100001C0 - AC disruption
SERVICE REQ - 100005C0 - CPU DMA address error
SERVICE REQ - 10000xxx - CPU error
SERVICE REQ - 0003xxxx - Debug error code
SERVICE REQ - 0Dxxxxxx - Debug error code
Epson 10000 10600 Error Codes
Maintenance Requests Errors
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0100 - Indicates small quantity of remaining waste ink material absorption.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0101 - The CR motor reached the 3% remaining to the life.
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0102 - Auto nozzle check error
MAINTENANCE REQ - 0103 - Backup battery for RTC (real time clock) life expired.